Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cronus was the father of most of the gods and goddess of mount olympus. They punished the titans for one titans mistakes.


At the start of time there was Gaia (earth) and Uranus (Sky) that gave birth to Cronus. Cronus was the youngest of his brothers and sisters. Gaia was angry at Uranus so one night when Cronus was sleeping in there bed Gaia gave him a sickle and told him to castrate Uranus so he snuck up on him and chopped off his genitals and through them in to the ocean were they be came Aphrodite the goddess of love and desire.

The Titan Cronus

This is an image of the Titan Cronus eating a rock instead of Zeus. With Rhea presting the child.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Atlas king of atlantas

Atlas was said to be the king of atlantas meaning land of atlas.

Long Ago Persuses son of Zeus asked altas if he could shelter him but atlas said hell no. So Peruses out of rage with medusa head turned him in to stone. That is why there are the Atlas Moutains in Morocco.

atlas myth

Atlas was a great titan who lead the titans aginst the olympians but lost and punishment for losing was to hold the pillars of the sky up.